Saturday, September 25, 2010

You Know You’re a Working Mom When….


• You don’t have time to write Working Mom Wednesday until Saturday Morning while you sip on your coffee and catch up on your reading.

• You rush our the door only to find out when you get to work that you have on two different color shoes, since you put them on in the dark. This happens because you find a really comfortable shoe and you buy them in two different colors.

• You find out at lunch time that you have your son’s lunch and he has yours. Hope he likes that whole wheat, cream cheese, and veggie sandwich.

• You run home to make dinner and all you have time for is a Stouffer’s Frozen Family Lasagna and a bag salad, before running back out the door for sports practice.

• Your only time for a work out is the 10 minutes between this and that and you hope those minutes add up to a full work out for the day.

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